22 July 2018

Diorama photo made with settings from my smartphone Serioux RM X401

Made with the flash setting from my smartphone Serioux RM X401

Made without the flash setting from my smartphone Serioux RM X401, and with only a light from a lamp.

The diorama is not finished and represents two soldiers with one officer behind a trench,in the middle of winter, operation: Siege of Leningrad.

Painting the soldiers, finnishing toches for the snow, and adding more items are requiered for the diorama, but i learned about painting and not to rely on the camera flash.

So just use a light fixture kept above your head and maybe if its needed another one in the same position but to the left or right to disperse unwanted shadows.

14 June 2018

Added Romania, Vatra Dornei 1941-1945 ; 1914-1918

Added Romania, Vatra Dornei 1941-1945 ; 1914-1918  in ,,WW1 and WW2 as seen today,, button up.

19 May 2018

I'm gonna try to post images of military books i own

I'm gonna try post images of military books, but first i'm gonna check the copyright requiments in France, Germany etc.